The 2nd novel giveaway is now over! Of the 589 people who entered this giveaway here are the lucky winners...
Erdem Cimen, George Stenger, Tamara Kemnitz, Katie, Kaitlyn Walas, Justin Olson, lou brown, Nicole Ayotte, Noxwaste, Amand Breed, Dane Walhout, Grace Russell, Hattie Movitz, Melissa Entzminger, Undercover Evil Gnome, Jennifer Lee, Yueyee Vue, Megan Twenter, Cindy Ziegler, Jennifer, Katelyn Renee, Stephanie Joustra crossley, Connie Reynolds, Sarah, Linda Golden, Ed Lehman, James J. D'Esposito, Darby McKinley, Sarah B, Stephanie Lippy, Alison Solberg, Marianne Simeone, Tracy Surprenant, Vikki Casteel, Shannon, Sarah, Danielle Coates, Sarah, Robert Alvord, Samarium Gibson, Danielle Mayhew, Stacie, tracey fulford, Melina OBERLANDER, Renee Roeder, Zachary, WILLIE LAYSON, Rebecca Christener-Grace, Kara Lauren, Sue :)
My humble congratulations is offered up to anybody whose name is noted above. If you entered this giveaway, but don't see your name on the list above, you can still buy a copy. Just click here: ...Or go here:
...For an identical copy of the Kindle version given during the period in which this novel giveaway was active.
In regards to the novel giveaway itself, I am pretty disappointed in the lack of entrants this time. I would have thought (And counted on!) seeing over 750 entries! Still, close to 600 isn't at all bad. But certainly not great, either.
But, before I get onto the good news, I would like to indicate something of a prank which a random person within Second Life had pulled over on me...And mind you, this was after I had been formally invited to participate in the 15th annual SL Sci-Fi Con 15 UNITY of 2023. A picture is included immediately below...
Now, granted, I am not 100% sure if this really was a prank. But considering I saw the sign in this position the day after the 1st of April, I can only assume it was. And it was just fine the day before.
You, maybe: "Why are you mad about the sign?"
Me: First off, nobody said it was a joke or even told me anything regarding the messed-up sign. I am primarily mad about the sign because it is one I created myself. And it is the symbol of the whole novel series, which I have worked on since I was only 7 or 8 years old! So, it hurts to see it defaced like this.
But in short, I am just one of MANY self published indie authors whose works are out there and slightly well-known to the general public. And while I don't like to bear grudges against people, I would like to firmly remind all of you who read my blogs or those of other entrepreneurs which pulling pranks on us-Especially without apologizing afterwards-is rarely a good way to win our mercy.
And now, onto the good news: Because I had this booth shown in the above image and was providing aid for one of the biggest causes on the planet (Relay For Life), I was given a plaque as proof of my participation in the Sci-Fi Con 15 UNITY 2023. A picture of this plaque is provided below this paragraph...
In addition to this, I am proud to announce the continuation of Sky Fighters Part VIII ...Yesh, this is right! After a few months'-long hiatus, the 8th novel is finally back in the production-fight! And to prove I'm not simply bluffing, as a small part of this blog entry, I am going to provide you with a brief teaser of two characters, who will be having their debut appearances within the 8th novel...!
The first one is a high level female
Sky Fighter-A dark-haired Light Elemental, whose name is in
Silosolish! It can be translated into the simple phrase "[The] Soul
Defender"! Could she potentially be a
VISA-Sky Fighter!?
On the opposite side of
the 2nd Intergalactic War's belligerents is a Python Demon, who is both cunning and just as relentless as his "brethren" when it comes to ensuring the total destruction of the Sky
Fighters. And much to the shock of many Sky
Fighters, he seems to lack the muscle-power of standard Python Demons...! Too bad for the Sky
Fighters, cause this "Bookmark" of a Demon more than makes up for his lack of brute strength with an abnormally high level of brain-power! Just how well is he going to help the many Demons attempting to "stomp the Sky
Fighters into an early grave"? Can "[The] Soul
Defender" ultimately prevent him from doing so?
Find out by watching this blog for all its future updates!!
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