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Sunday, October 30, 2022

The series continues, but unpredictable surprises keep slowing progress down! Why? Full details in this post...!

Here's a random question which my newest fan, who knows of me, the Sky Fighters, and of course, the Houndy Crunchers has recently asked me...


Question: I've always wanted to write, but getting words on paper is so daunting. How do you just stop overanalyzing everything and just write?


Answer: Ohh! So, you've always wanted to write, but getting words on paper is so daunting? The answer is well...Kind of simple, really. And if you have a ton of ideas, then this must mean you have characters, ready and waiting for those words to be put on paper, am I right? So, my answer is: You're doing to much overanalyzing and not enough creative-writing!

Your characters are usually the ones who drive the story, and thus your ton of ideas forward! I am only finding my own writing so daunting because I'm not where I feel I belong, physically. Still though, save your analyzing for later; sometime after you've put some of your fabulous words to paper!


Has the above situation ever happened to me? Of course, it has! And when I'm down in the dumps, this tends to make writing harder for me. Just because I can avoid overanalyzing doesn't mean I've never had any trouble with my own writing. For those of you who don't yet know, I used to write my novels using an old battle system, where lots AND LOTS of math was involved! My OCs' Health Points, Energy Points, and Mana Points, plus the amount of damage their Attacks were inflicting ended up as the focus of every battle, rather than the characters, themselves! They didn't like this at all, and so firmly reminded me of who was most important by figuratively 'running away' until I changed my system to work in their favor. Now, I can barely get them to calm down and sleep every so often!
Though, being stuck in what I call "the trops" is making all of us frown. If I can't get away from South FL soon, there might not be an epic conclusion to the series as a whole! Incidentally, on the subject of characters, the number of real people whom I've spoken to in depth about the Sky Fighters, and/or shown one or more of my novels to has been steadily increasing. A number of those finer folks have been given rare opportunities to see themselves as characters within the series itself! As of this date, over 250 people, but maybe less than 1,000 are strongly familiar with my novel series, and what it's about as a whole. However, not everyone who I've met and promised a character position to has been introduced as one, yet. It'll happen for them, though. I'm a self-made man of my word, after all. Conversely, there are people (Or characters) from TV shows and/or films I have watched, who I made characters based-off. A striking number of them are in fact real-world celebrities. Of course, most of these celebrities have no idea they've been made into characters, who appear in one or more books. In fact, I've been writing and/or fabricating stories about a few of them since I was between 7 and 10 years of age!
...I'll bet you weren't expecting me to say this much, were you?
So, to wrap this part of the blog up, I will state which at least one of these "old OCs" from what was originally going to be known as The Houndy Crunchers is actually going to be introduced, beginning with my 8th novel of the original series! And believe me, they are going to be among the strongest ones yet!

But, what else has been "slogging" Sky Fighters and Houndy Crunchers down, you ask? Well, besides me still planning to head up North into the mountains, I may have mentioned my decision to attend college with a full intention of majoring in Forestry. What I didn't say was how my plan also includes me physically being able to restore as many displaced plants  and trees as I can, and rescue as many animals as I can in my lifetime, who are sick or injured because of humans. <---- The move up North alone has taken more time and efforts than I anticipated! Not only this, but being temporarily stuck in what equals a rundown shack, which is literally falling apart in the hands of two young rich, irresponsible men has resulted in far more recent frustrations than I would have preferred. But I'll never give up on this project! I have a strong obligation to support my Mom and myself. And if I can do so financially, this will be another victory for us. If you're interested in tracking my forestry career-progress, head on over to my Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/spiral.storm
Finally, because I don't anticipate Sky Fighters Part VIII being finished before 2022 comes to an end, I will uphold a promise I made in one of my earlier blogs: "...If this book isn't ready by this coming Christmas, I'll host a 3rd giveaway this year!!" ...This will be my consolation present for you Superior-Fans as a token of my appreciation for the patience you've held onto...And all for the release of a conclusion which will surely be epic in more awesome ways than one!!

So, make sure you subscribe to this blog, and you won't miss out on any ongoing news or events of importance. You'll be glad you did so.