Greetings to you all!
And welcome to my 2nd blog post of this year. By now, the lot of you should know the current calendar year. And if you don't, well I've been told by at least a couple other people "Google is your friend!" Perhaps anyone reading this now can apply running a search to themselves?
At any rate, I have some really good news, and some...Not so good news. And since I'm an optimist at heart, I'd like to share the good news with you, first, so here it is...As of the 25th of last month, I have begun hosting the 2nd Sky Fighters and Houndy Crunchers novel-giveaway on Goodreads!! This time, I'm offering 100 copies of my very first novel, recently-remastered! Here's the link to the official giveaway:
Anyone is welcome to enter this giveaway from now until March 25th. No, I don't know how many Superior-Fans have already entered. But I can estimate it's already over 250, now. Oh, and speaking of which, one of our newest Superior-Fans, who we'll refer to simply as 'Marc' has confirmed in one of his reviews of my novels, which he has entered into this on-going giveaway. This means he may have invited his family and friends to do the same. If this is the case, then thanks and good luck to you, Sir! If you're willing to confirm you're helping me gain more fans, then I just might reward you with an honorable mention in my 8th novel. I can even message you on Goodreads if you'd like to hear from me, again.
Furthermore, as a token of my gratitude towards him and all my other fans, I have recently lowered the pricing of ALL my current Kindle novels...Permanently. This is right, now the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th books can be purchased for the generous price of only $2.50. The 4th, 5th, and 6th novels are slightly higher, being $3.00 each. Don't forget! The Kindle edition of my new short stories trilogy is on sale NOW until the end of March for only $1.00.
And now, onto the darker side of the news...By way of a Google Search run by a close comrade of mine, whose identity shall remain a secret, I have recently become aware of at least a few instances of book piracy directly involving my series. <---- This came as a major shock, not only to me, but also to my Mom, who simply adores the dedicated, hard work I put into crafting every single portion of my series to this date. Furthermore, if these piracy attempts weren't bad enough, I have also stumbled upon a public discussion-thread about me and my series, on Reddit of all places! And no, the two or more users weren't singing my praises. In fact, both of them-Who I suspect are very bored, male trolls-Are using Reddit as a means to publicly name and shame not only those novels, but ME PERSONALLY, as an author. Not only are they guilty of this blatantly-shameful behavior, but they've also accused me of creating a fake-name of an author, whom I've given credit to in the acknowledgments portion of my 7th Sky Fighters novel. Gee whiz! I guess those men haven't heard of authors who either use pen-names or who've recently changed their names. Needless to say, both me and this other author-Who won't be named here to protect their privacy-Have recently changed our author-names. And both of us either currently use a pen-name or have used one in the past. Oh, and if all this still wasn't bad enough, the Reddit author seems to have created ANOTHER THREAD!! Only this one is considerably worse. In it, he (RatRidingATractor, for those of you curious about his identity) now openly accuses me of being quote-unquote "in love" with my Mom. This is the most ridiculous load of drivel I've ever heard anyone say about me, anywhere on the Internet!! (-_-) Furthermore, this thread is much newer, having only been created a day ago as of 3-04-2022!
So, here's a guy (Who's probably not much older than me, if older at all), publicly naming and shaming my series (And me!) and accusing me of not only making up a fake person as one of my acknowledgments, but also of being-Gasp!-In love with my Mom? To anyone who knows me well enough, I'm not a practitioner of incest, nor am I accusing the writers of the Reddit article of presuming I've done so. I don't even drink, smoke, or do any form of street-drugs. And yet, here, online, are a couple of NT-cattle*, flapping their yaps about a self-published Indie-author they know nothing about.
*If anyone reading this wants to know what NT means, LOOK IT UP!! It's not an ethnic slur though, in case anyone who follows me decides to try accusing me of being a racist pig. And I've not even begun to mention several of the other people I've met online since I claimed my author's profile on Goodreads back in 2019...Those people started out being friendly and even welcoming of me into their online social-circles. But now, some of them have either blocked me, unfriended me, or simply refuses to speak to me. (AngyKat#3485 on Discord, I am especially referring to YOU in this part of my post. What are you? A gymnast or an outright traitor against autistics like me!?) <---- Yes, this is right. I am autistic. If the cat wasn't out of the bag yet, he sure is, now! Oh, and by the way, RatRidingATractor claims he too, is-Gasp!-Autistic!! Did he even bother doing a little extra research about me, if not speak to me outright, before judging me so darn harshly!? I fear I cannot even mention the name of the so-called 'club' he decided to lump me and my books into. Seriously, the nerve some grown men have on the Internet...
You see, I think the problem with today's NT-cattle society and most of their cohorts can effectively be boiled down to 3 things...To many street drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco products, to much technology, smart or not, and lastly, to much incest. Yeah, this is right. If you can stomach running a search for any type of pornography, then you're likely to stumble upon instances of parent-child encounters. Yuck!! I am NOT going to speak another word about this highly-controversial subject, and I never would have even brought it up had this guy on Reddit not publicly accused me of being romantically involved with my own mother. But because he somehow felt he had to blatantly mention something so disgusting, I had to counter his accusation with one of my own. I am real sorry to anyone reading this who's actually a legitimate fan of me and/or my series. But seeing remarks and accusations about me, like the ones I mentioned above, are well-beyond hurtful. And not only to me, either, but also to my family and any good soul who happens to stumble upon Reddit. So, unless anyone cares enough to have this nonsense about me TAKEN DOWN SOON, then I'm likely to be the only one who can clear and restore my good, honest reputation. And THIS is just one of several reasons why I refuse to even create an account on Reddit.
I am now groaning, rolling my eyes, and shaking my head in disgust as I finish up this one blog post, which is very likely to be the longest one I've written by far. But I don't care. Certain things about certain humans just HAD to be said.
So, if all of the above was TL;DR for any of my fans, here's a much briefer summary...1: I'm hosting another giveaway, if anyone cares. 2: Book piracy is wrong, AND a crime, so please don't support anyone claiming to offer free copies of other people's novels! And finally, 3: Publicly naming and shaming someone behind their backs, and making false accusations about them counts as breaking the 9th of the 10 Commandments. Again, look it up if you don't recall what it is. I'm sure everyone who knows how to read and write has heard of The Holy Bible at least once before. Feral Henry out.