Greetings and Happy New Year to you all!
I realize and understand just how long it's been since I last wrote a blog post of any kind. But you don't have to worry; I would never forget about my audience nor abandon them or my blogs.
And if you are now asking "Hey, Ross! Where have you been, all this time? And what are you doing with your life?" Then, here are my answers...First and foremost, I have decided (As of early 201*) to attend college with my full intention of majoring in Forestry. What does this mean? In short, I have a plan to save the planet by doing whatever I can to protect and maintain as many wilderness areas as I can throughout my life. This will mean studying. And lots of it! Not to mention spending more time in wilderness areas (Like forests, mountains, deserts, and the like) as well as spending more time outside, observing nature. And I've already been doing plenty of studying and wilderness-observations as it is. I ultimately plan to land a job actually working within a forest and ensuring there are no instances of poaching, deforestation, or over-development within it. There were animals on this Earth before there were humans. And there will be animals long after humans have left it.
Secondly, I have been working tirelessly in the efforts of writing up what will be my 8th novel. Though, it certainly won't be the last piece of writing I publish, mind you cat! =^_^= Part VIII will be the longest novel I've ever written, by far! And it will see the epic conclusion of the 2nd Intergalactic War, as well as a tie-in with my aforementioned goals above. This is also not to mention a myriad of countless other sub-plots contained within it. And I've been writing it with the help of one of my most trusted female friends I know of. I certainly couldn't have gotten this far without her!
Lastly (And certainly not least of all), I would like to present a dedication to an author I only recently met, last year. His name is Hector Fenwick. He is the same age as me, though slightly-younger by a few months or so. And like me, he is an aspiring Indie author, who also has a Goodreads page. He says quote: " ...Or on Amazon right here: ...Among the books he has written and published include You can see his basic profile on Goodreads over here: I Love You Superbia (Paranormal Feasts, #1) and We Shall Be One. So, check those out! And as you may have done with my books, if you read any of his, rate and review them!
...Whew! This was quite a mouthful. Thankfully, it's all the news I have to share with you, today. Let me know what you think. And if you like this blog, don't forget to follow me on it and share it with everyone you know! Hector and I will both surely appreciate it. Until next time...