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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! The long, arduous wait is almost over! For tonight, my 6th novella is finally finished being written! Sky Fighters Part VI will feature all-new characters, new locations, and last but certainly not least of all...A new method of describing each and every future battle between the Sky Fighters and their sinister foes.
If this is exciting for you in any way, then here’s a Featured Sky Fighter who will make her debut in this next novella: Elizabeth Sherman!
She is a Psychokinesis Elemental Ranger, whose favored weapon is the bow and arrow. But contrary to Katniss Everdeen, she doesn’t just rely on her archery skills; Elizabeth can also use her Main Element in combination with her weapons, making them even more powerful!
Sky Fighters Part VI will arrive in stores this June, so keep your eyes and ears open! Do you agree with our selection? Or perhaps you know someone who should be featured as a Sky Fighter. Let us know in the comments...Cheers!
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen! The long, arduous wait is almost over! For tonight, my 6th novella is finally finished being written! Sky Fighters Part VI will feature all-new characters, new locations, and last but certainly not least of all...A new method of describing each and every future battle between the Sky Fighters and their sinister foes.
If this is exciting for you in any way, then here’s a Featured Sky Fighter who will make her debut in this next novella: Elizabeth Sherman!
She is a Psychokinesis Elemental Ranger, whose favored weapon is the bow and arrow. But contrary to Katniss Everdeen, she doesn’t just rely on her archery skills; Elizabeth can also use her Main Element in combination with her weapons, making them even more powerful!
Sky Fighters Part VI will arrive in stores this June, so keep your eyes and ears open! Do you agree with our selection? Or perhaps you know someone who should be featured as a Sky Fighter. Let us know in the comments...Cheers!